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Friday, August 31, 2007

Honolulu in Oahu

Today, I went to Honolulu, Oahu island to go shopping!!
Ala moana shopping center and Waikiki beach.
I was really surprised with the ticket fee, because my return tickets are about $73!!
It's about \8,400 !! for return tickets!

Anyway, I bought one T-shirt and a bag for my friend as a present.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

BBQ in Hawaii.

Today's dinner was BBQ! We cooked and ate outside. However, our hotel has BBQ site within the
hotel. So we didn't need to go outside. That why, it was easy to do BBQ!!
Before the BBQ, of course, we needed to buy some meat, seafood, source and whatever...
We went supermarket in Kailua Kona in Hawaii island. It was fuge one!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mauna Kea

Today, I went to Mauna Kea (4205m) and watched sunset at the summit.

Hawaii Dialy

Now I've been stayed in Big Island, Hawaii.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


mixi をみているとペルセウス座流星群が 8/13 にピークを迎えるとか。
自分がしし座ということも手伝って、しし座流星群を 6年くらい前に見に茨城の霞ヶ浦まで行ったあるんですが、これがすごかった。
たぶん、200 個くらいは流れたんじゃないかなぁと。(希望も含まれてますが・・・)


写真は近くの道路脇に咲いてた花ですが、名前が不明。 どなたか教えて!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Long time no see!!

Good evening!!

Yesterday, I bought digital camera at Yodobashi.
It is Caplio R6 from RICOH.
I'm going to Hawaii the end of this month, so I want to get that early.

I took some pictures and put on this page.

The picture is my dinner, Japanese "Udon".
Originally, I like Japanese food.
Udon is easy to cook and easy to match any other topping food, like green onion.
Or Age-dama ... etc.

Anyway, I'm going to upload some pictures everyday!! (hopefully...)